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church ruin "Husenkirche"

The "Husenkirche" is the oldest church building in the Werratal. Originally it was a wooden church from the 8th century; in the course of the centuries it was changed several times. The preserved walls date from 1161. Shortly before the end of the 2nd World War the Husenkirche was severely damaged. Hans and Margarethe Luther, Martin Luther's parents, married in the Husenkirche. During excavations in the nave, remains of a Bronze Age settlement were found under the foundation.

historical graduation house

Germany's most beautiful graduation house is located directly on the Werra. Strictly speaking, it is a technical monument. During the times of salt extraction, the brine trickled over the brushwood walls made of blackthorn. With the evaporation, water was extracted, the brine became more saline - thus higher grade. The first salting graduation house was built in 1590, there were 24 in total. When around 1800 the healing effect of the brine was discovered, the spa operation began. All the graduation towers were demolished except for the present east wall of the graduation towers. In 1901 a completely new graduation hall was erected opposite the east wall exclusively for inhalation ...
Stadtverwaltung Bad Salzungen
Ratsstraße 2
36433 Bad Salzungen